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Our Products

It is interesting to enumerate the benefits of eating food egg. In fact, it is one of the foods that all the world's people consume and transcends culturaland food habits to be appreciated in every corner of the planet.

The egg is a product low in calories, fat, and with all the essential amino acids; It is an excellent source of high quality protein. It contains 12 minerals and 13vitamins. Two daily eggs, medium size, satisfy 25% of the protein requirements of an adult man of 65 kg. Along with breast milk, no other food provides all that is needed in the human diet.

Gastronomy, commercial and family, enjoy it in various forms, alone or combined with other foods (desserts, ice creams, etc.), on diets, pharmacological preparations, bacteriological cultures, etc. Industrialization techniques give it all sanitary securities and facilities for storage and transport.

The increase of commercialization has prompted production techniques working with genetically improved poultry, most modern facilities each day and more efficient operation systems. Sanitary practices, have slowed the disease and good food rations have generated a constant change of productivity.

Egg processing by a leading company like TECNOVO facilitates its industrial use besides achieving optimal sanitary conditions and excellence in its final products: liquid and powdered egg, liquid yolk and powdered, liquid and powdered albumin.

All Tecnovo SA products comply with the requirements of the CAA (Argentine Food Code) and the CODEX (Codex Alimentarius Commission) is the main organism as a whole that presents proposals and advises the Directorates-General of the World Health Organisation. Furthermore they meet the criteria set by the SENASA (National Health Service) of Argentina, within the National Plan for Control of Residues and Food Hygiene (CREHA)..

TECNOVO S.A. - Crespo - Entre Ríos - Argentina

Tel.: (+54) 343 4952601 /  Fax: (+54) 343 4953543